Products Solutions / Books
50 Employment Laws in 50 States
The only at-a-glance reference volume that explains employer obligations under 50+ employment laws, for each of the 50 United States.Internet Special:
Tennessee Workers' Compensation Handbook, 15th Edition
Now fully updated and edited for 2023-2024, the Tennessee Workers’ Compensation Handbook, 15th Edition, gives clear, authoritative guidance that will help you navigate the challenges of the new Tennessee Workers’ Compensation landscape.Internet Special:
50 Employment Laws in 50 States, 2025 edition
The only at-a-glance reference volume that explains employer obligations under 50+ employment laws, for each of the 50 United States.Internet Special:
Employer's Guide to the Fair Labor Standards Act
Nearly $1.6 billion in back wages have been recovered by its Wage and Hour Division since 2009 – including $246 million for more than 240,000 workers in fiscal year 2015 alone.Internet Special:
Family and Medical Leave Handbook
FMLA Compliance provides comprehensive analysis and practical guidance on how to most effectively implement FMLA policies and responds to questions related to your day-to-day leave issues.Internet Special:
ADA Compliance Guide
Have at your fingertips the dependable HR intelligence you need to be 100-percent confident of compliance with today’s rapidly changing laws and regulations in the vital area of disability discrimination law.Internet Special:
Fair Labor Standards Handbook for States, Local Governments and Schools
The Employer's Guide to the Fair Labor Standards Act is the most comprehensive and easy-to-use resource of its kind — and it’s written especially for public-sector employers like you.Internet Special:
FLSA Employee Exemption Handbook
This wage and hour tool provides exclusive, in-depth news and analyses of private-sector employer responsibilities relating to the FLSA minimum wage and overtime exemptions.Internet Special:
The Leave and Disability Coordination Handbook
The Leave and Disability Coordination Handbook is designed to help you achieve and maintain effective policy compliance.Internet Special:
Mandated Health Benefits: The COBRA Guide
Use this guide to effectively meet the COBRA law’s myriad eligibility, notice and recordkeeping obligations — plus deal with new reform and other regulatory requirements.Internet Special: