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HR Solutions / Benefits & Leave
Federal Employment Law Insider
Get behind-the-scenes intelligence on upcoming federal regulations, legislation, and court decisions.Internet Special:
State Law Chart Builder
The online management tool that instantly explains both HR’s rights and obligations to employees in 76 policy areas, for every state in the country.Internet Special:
Family and Medical Leave Handbook
FMLA Compliance provides comprehensive analysis and practical guidance on how to most effectively implement FMLA policies and responds to questions related to your day-to-day leave issues.Internet Special:
The Leave and Disability Coordination Handbook
The Leave and Disability Coordination Handbook is designed to help you achieve and maintain effective policy compliance.Internet Special:
Mandated Health Benefits: The COBRA Guide
Use this guide to effectively meet the COBRA law’s myriad eligibility, notice and recordkeeping obligations — plus deal with new reform and other regulatory requirements.Internet Special:
Employer's Guide to HIPAA Privacy Requirements
This handbook helps you analyze HIPAA’s new and existing privacy and security rules from a plan sponsor point of view, so you can steer clear of enforcement — and avoid the liability and brand risk of having to...Internet Special:
- - State and Regional Salary Survey Data, FLSA Compliance, HIPAA is your one-stop shop for salary benchmarks, compensation tools, and resources.Internet Special:
HR Laws
HR Laws is the leading online management information resource essential employment law insights solution for Human Resources professionals and their counsel. Each membership option provides the advice, news, and explanations you need to update policies, resolve conflict, defend...Internet Special:
Federal and State Topic Analysis
The Federal and State Topic Analysis gives you an educated advantage on all things related to employment law compliance.
HR outlook 2023: changes and trends in employment laws
While the start of a new year brings excitement and new opportunities, it also brings a new set of employment law changes and trends for HR professionals to stay on top of. This on-demand webinar provides insight into...