All Products Solutions
Incident Reporting and Investigation
Keep track of all incidents and near misses, automate your reporting, and prevent injuries before they happen with EHS Hero’s Incident Reporting and Investigation tool.
Audits and Inspections
Simplify your auditing procedures, stay on top of your compliance obligations, and ensure your work environment is safe and healthy with BLR’s Audits and Inspections tool.
Job Hazard Analysis
EHS Hero's Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) tool offers a comprehensive approach to preventing workplace accidents.
EHS Hotline
Get thorough, personalized, plain-English answers to your most pressing questions.
HAZWOPER Training Program
Meet your OSHA-required 8-, 24-, or 40-hour HAZWOPER training requirements with HAZWOPER Training Program! You’ll have 17-Powerpoint® training sessions that will engage your employees plus with your comprehensive manual you have a training kit that cannot be beat!...Internet Special:
TrainingToday Course Content
Dive into TrainingToday’s extensive training content crafted by industry experts on major training related topics such as EHS, HR, Sales & Services, Healthcare, and Business Skills.
Customized Training Solutions
Off-the-shelf training not meeting your needs? Let our learnings and development experts create the perfect training content for you and your teams.
EHS outlook for 2023: new and upcoming regulations
Stay ahead of the curve and get a clear understanding of the upcoming EHS challenges so that you can stay in compliance and keep your workers safe by watching this complimentary on-demand webinar.
EHS RegUpdate | Enviro & Safety Regulatory Notifications
Stay up to date on federal and state environmental and safety regulations with EHS RegUpdate!Internet Special:
Regulatory Analysis Chart Builder
With BLR’s Regulatory Analysis Chart Builder, you can easily compare state and federal regulations and get clear insights on how to avoid risk.