All Products Solutions
Salary Finder
Our team of HR experts have crafted this comprehensive salary finder tool so you can get the support you need to make data-driven pay decisions.
HR Documents and Downloads
Save time and improve your organization’s HR functions with our HR Documents and Downloads solution.
HR Hero
Countless time saving resources and best-in-class tools, delivered in a comprehensive, fully customizable dashboard. Start streamlining HR compliance for you and your team today!
Employee Handbook Builder
With the Employee Handbook Builder, you can build, access, and update your handbook from any computer with a browser and an internet connection.Internet Special:
Compensation.BLR.com - State and Regional Salary Survey Data, FLSA Compliance, HIPAA
Compensation.BLR.com is your one-stop shop for salary benchmarks, compensation tools, and resources.Internet Special:
Federal Employment Law Insider
Get behind-the-scenes intelligence on upcoming federal regulations, legislation, and court decisions.Internet Special:
Employers State Law Alert (Digital)
The complete state law and regulation monitoring system that saves you hours of research time.Internet Special:
FLSA Audit Tool
With step-by-step guidance and detailed reporting, you can streamline FLSA compliance, mitigate risk, and ensure accurate job classifications.Internet Special:
Customized Training Solutions
Off-the-shelf training not meeting your needs? Let our learnings and development experts create the perfect training content for you and your teams.
TrainingToday Course Content
Dive into TrainingToday’s extensive training content crafted by industry experts on major training related topics such as EHS, HR, Sales & Services, Healthcare, and Business Skills.