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Compensation Solutions / Products
HR Documents and Downloads
Save time and improve your organization’s HR functions with our HR Documents and Downloads solution.
Federal and State Topic Analysis
The Federal and State Topic Analysis gives you an educated advantage on all things related to employment law compliance.
Customized Training Solutions
Off-the-shelf training not meeting your needs? Let our learnings and development experts create the perfect training content for you and your teams.
TrainingToday Course Content
Dive into TrainingToday’s extensive training content crafted by industry experts on major training related topics such as EHS, HR, Sales & Services, Healthcare, and Business Skills.
Southeast Employment Law Letter
Southeast Employment Law Letter is an employment law resource helping employers understand new laws, regulations and court cases. The Southeast region includes Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi.Internet Special:
HR Hero
Countless time saving resources and best-in-class tools, delivered in a comprehensive, fully customizable dashboard. Start streamlining HR compliance for you and your team today!
- - State and Regional Salary Survey Data, FLSA Compliance, HIPAA is your one-stop shop for salary benchmarks, compensation tools, and resources.Internet Special:
Mandated Health Benefits: The COBRA Guide
Use this guide to effectively meet the COBRA law’s myriad eligibility, notice and recordkeeping obligations — plus deal with new reform and other regulatory requirements.Internet Special:
Fair Labor Standards Handbook for States, Local Governments and Schools
The Employer's Guide to the Fair Labor Standards Act is the most comprehensive and easy-to-use resource of its kind — and it’s written especially for public-sector employers like you.Internet Special:
Job Description Manager
Easily create, maintain, and organize your job descriptions with this online job description tool. With nearly 2,000 customizable job titles at your fingertips, job descriptions have never been this easy.Internet Special: