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Texas Employment Law Letter

Texas Employment Law Letter

Product Code: EMPTX^12

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Texas Employment Law Letter

When you subscribe to HR Laws' Texas Employment Law Letter, you get a newsletter specifically designed for employers and HR professionals in Texas. It's written by attorneys in your state who know the challenges and laws you must deal with every day. 

You'll find a wealth of helpful information, available to subscribers only, at no additional cost.  Subscribe today to receive: 

  • Monthly newsletter: Reap the benefits of state-specific articles and information about relevant cases and any new legislation and regulations affecting your HR and employment law decisions. 
  • Online archive: Search for articles on any topic from your state or a nearby region. 
  • Access to practical analysis: Get savvy insights from top-notch employment law attorneys in your state and region, all of whom are affiliated with the Employers Counsel Network. 
  • Workforce management advice: Receive monthly columns focusing on “HR Matters” as well as “The Last Word” on things you need to know to successfully manage your workforces and stay compliant. 
  • Latest trends: Follow the latest trends on “HR Technology,” “Federal Watch,” and “Cutting-Edge HR” with monthly coverage of these issues. 
  • Answers to your questions: Get your toughest workplace situations addressed by employment law attorneys in your state and region.